Monday, January 17, 2011

Project 365 | Day 15: Shopping Spree

Last Saturday, my mom and I went to Trinoma to go shopping. Its been a while since I last went out and had some quality time with my mom and I kinda missed it. Coincidentally, there was a sale in some of the usual stores that I buy in. I needed new pants and I bought a lot in Bench (cause the pants there are kinda cheap) and saw this one pair in Folded and Hung that's on sale as well.

Anyway, this particular shopping day meant so much to me because the money I used to buy those came straight from my savings. It was pretty fulfilling to buy something knowing you saved up for, don't you think so too? :)

I missed blogging and I'm sorry for not posting yesterday. I've been busy studying. Now, my epic fail history long test is over, I can go back to blogging now.