Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Free iPads for Ateneans

I always wanted an iPad ever since I actually got to use one last year and with the news about the release of iPad 2 coming out later this month, it has made me search for more news about this new tablet. Looking through the different news about Apple's latest technology, I was able to read news about iPads given to students in the universities in the US which made me think why can't Ateneo do the same thing for their students?

iPad Giveaways for 11 Colleges
A total of 11 colleges in the United States plan to give some iPads to its students. Schools such as Seton Hill University, Stanford University, Illinois Institute of Technology plan to give an iPad for each student for them to use. This isn't mandatory as some universities plan to give away iPads for free but, still, some others add it in their tuition fees. Some other colleges that give iPads to their students are as follows:

  • George Fox University (Oregon) -- their students have a choice of getting a MacBook or an iPad. Such a great deal. The downside is that whatever they choose, it's going to be part of their tuition fee.
  • Oklahoma Christiana University -- they already give a MacBook to all their full-time students with their choice of either an iPhone or an iPod Touch. They could also upgrade it to an iPad if they want to.
  • University of Maryland -- they plan to give out iPads and integrate it in their curriculum
  • Duke University -- they provide iPads for their students' field researches.
  • Long Island University -- they give out iPads to incoming freshmen and transferees.
  • Oklahoma State University -- they plan to give iPads to communications and business school students.
  • Northwest Kansas Technical College -- not only do they give away iPads to their students but they already have set up an iTunes library for class lectures
  • Chicago State University -- they give iPads for them to check their mails in between classes.
iPads are Student-Friendly
Browsing through different articles, I can see why having an iPad is very beneficial for the students. Apple has an application called the iBookstore where they can download textbooks for classes that they want. They can search through different books all in one device. Instead of carrying books with hundreds of pages, all you need is one iPad.

The device is capable of creating long text files such as essays. All you need is a wireless keyboard or the keyboard dock accessory and you are good to go. Instead of bringing a heavy laptop or netbook, the iPad is a lot lighter and just works as efficient for papers.
iPad + wireless keyboard technology
A wide variety of applications can also benefit the normal-student productivity such as calendars, planners, to do lists, and the such. You don't actually need a computer to be able to plan your day and forget about those long tests and deadines. All you need is an iPad to browse through what you need to do for the day.

Another plus is that it is sync-able to your computer. All you need is to have your iTunes running and it will back up all your files in an instant. You don't need to bring your bulky laptop will all those wires and accessories.

iPad Setbacks
Yes, students can greatly benefit this device for their school needs but this will cause some, if not most, of the students to not listen to their professors in class. If you are in a class that is really going to drain all your energy, you'd bring out your iPad, click on Angry Birds and just play all throughout the class. Yes, Apple provides a wide variety of applications for school-use, but there are also games that can easily take out a student's attention in school works.

iPads in Ateneo
I really think that having an iPad is a must-have. This will increase their chances of actually opening up the books and doing their homeworks. Especially if you are an on-the-go person like me, you would want everything to be in one place. Just grab an iPad and you're done; no books, no laptops. Of course having an iPad as your backpack has its own setbacks but the mere fact that you have homework and school stuff inside a device that you mostly use is a big step in being studious. HAHA.

Even if I think that students should have iPads, it will take Ateneo a million years before they actually will give students free devices. I don't think imposing this rule and adding this to the long list of fees in our tuition receipt is a good idea especially if you have parents really working so hard just to pay the high tuition fee.

Maybe let's start giving out iPads for those in the DL students because they are actually able to prove that they are devoted to their studies and wont easily give in to distractions. Who knows, maybe more students will study harder just to get those free iPads, don't you think?


randzyrandz said...

YES PARANG NEWS REPORTER KA NA! HAHA i actually read everythinggg!

Rye Said So said...

HAHAHA! I'm trying to make it super interesting para kahit wordy siya, di kayo mabobore ;)

dj lim said...

apple marketing :))

Rye Said So said...

I know. Apple will be earning a lot if schools give away their products to all their students. HAHA!