Sunday, January 23, 2011

Project 365 | Week 3

Last week, as I was reading my past posts, I noticed that my blog is bombarded with Project 365 posts. So, I decided to collect all the pictures for an entire week and post it every Sunday. This week has been such a stressful week but it ended with a blast. I hope you guys like it.

Day 16: Geek-ed
Sunday and I still haven't studied for my first History long test on Monday. I started studying at 1pm and decided to do it downstairs because I'd be tempted to sleep if I study in my room. Anyway, I studied for 10 hours reading and memorizing everything. I had 3 cups of coffee and I left all my distractions in my room (the wifi was turned off so that I wont be able to surf the internet). It was one of those days were you felt the need to study hard because you have that feeling that it was going to be hard (and it actually was hard).

Day 17: Burger Lovin'
I felt nervous for the History Long Test so I really had to calm myself down before taking it at 1:30pm. I was with my blockmates and we decided to go to Bite Club to eat. We had a four hours to burn and we just took our time. This wasn't the first time I ate at Bite Club but every time I see the burgers they make I'm like, "Oh my God." Eventually, I finished everything and gained a few more pounds because of it. Now that really sucked. Haha!

Day 18: Job Hunting
There was a job fair in school that is open for the juniors and seniors of the Ateneo. They actually started  yesterday but because I had to study for my History Long Test (that I failed), I wasn't able to finish making my resume. I wasn't actually prepared to give out resumes but since all my friends are giving today, I had no choice but force myself to finish it during class. I gave out a total of 12 resumes that day and I hope some company will get to contact me. For the entire week, I was able to give out 30+ resumes. Hopefully, AT LEAST 1 COMPANY will take me as an intern.

Day 19: Pizza Party
I was in my Philosophy class last Tuesday night and I was with Lem and Bernice and then we decided to have a Pizza Party the next day because we were all craving for pizza. What started out as a party for the three of us, we ended up having more people to join us and have 10 people pitch in. It was so good because we had 4 different flavors of pizza and I had to pay only P120. It was so funny because we had it delivered in school and we were outside the computer lab and some students look at us (feeling jealous) because there were a lot of people in the hallway eating pizza. It was such a great way to rest from the stress that school brings and we may just have started a new tradition. Thank you Bernice, Alyssa, Cheth, Lem, Paula, Josh, Wong, Rodney, and Zyron. We shall have another pizza party soon!

Day 20: Balot!
Its been such a long time since I ate Balot and eating it again after so many years made me want some more. I was studying in my room when my aunt called me and asked if I wanted a balot. I said yes because its been a while since I had one. It was good. I didn't eat the bird, though. I'm not used to eating birds (pun intended). HAHA! Okay, I'm so corny. My favorite part was the yellow thingy and the soup. It was delicious.

Day 21: Bombita
I remember that my friend, Lemelen Palad, told us that she was going to act in a play called Bombita and said that we should watch it. The next day, some of my blockmates said that they wanted to watch Bombita (because their professors will be giving them bonus points if they do) and I decided to tag along. It was so cool because we had VIP treatment (thanks to Lem) and we had GUEST seats. We were seated at the middle of the theatre and eager to watch her. She was a prostitute (such a perfect role for her) and she had to take her top off. Yes, it wasn't a good sight but it was fun! The first part made me laugh so hard but the second part was so heavy and so dramatic that I was really creeped out. Anyway, my friends, Lem Palad and Z Gosalvez did a really good job acting and I'm so proud to have friends who are born actors.

Day 22: One with Nature
For our History class, we had an option to go to a field trip in Mt. Banahaw and get bonus points for it. Since I'm so desperate in getting plus points after what happened with my History long test, I was dying to go. I had to wake up at 4:00am because we had to be in school by 5:30am. It was such a long trip and I will tell you guys about it in my next blog. It was a day to get out of the busy life that I had and just adore and reflect and just have time for myself; something that's really perfect at a time like this.

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