Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Project 365 | Day 12: Thanks Be To God

Fr. Arvie preaching about the Gospel of Mark. 
So this picture was taken during my usual 4-hour break (9:30-1:30) after hanging out with the freshies. I joined Arvie, Erika, Chelcie, Mica, Kla, and Mia at the Zen Garden to waste more time. They decided to eat and I kinda wanted to play cards. So that's what we did. There was a time when they all decided to study for Theology and took out a bible. It was so funny because we looked like a Bible Study group in the middle of Zen Garden.

I went to my class after that and found out that we're free cut. Since these people had class, I went to the Faura Open Lab to get some sleep. I woke up and found them there and they asked me if I wanted to go to Eastwood. I said yes because I needed to buy something at Fully Booked and I have a meeting in 2 1/2 hours. So we went there and I separated myself from them (because it really takes me a long time before I could buy something). When I met up with them because I have to be back in school by 4:30pm (because of the meeting),  I saw them holding movie tickets for "The Tourist". I asked them if they're going to go with me back to school but they bought me a ticket. The ticket was non-refundable so I had no choice but to watch it.

My bloated face, Kla, Arvie, Chelcie, Mica
I'll blog about the movie soon. But after, they decided to karaoke. We went to Red Box but it was too expensive so we settled for the karaoke in Timezone. We had P400 and we used all of it for the karaoke. I had such a fun time because all their songs were for the broken-hearted (like me). For some reason, during the latter part of the karaoke session, my cheeks went numb and it looked so bloated. I think it's nothing serious. We stayed there til around 9pm and we decided to go home already.

I had so much fun with them. And I really want to thank them for making this so spontaneous and so fun even if I had to cut my 2:30pm class and miss my org meeting. So this is how I spent the last few hours of my freedom. Hell weeks starts and I have to study. Thank you guys and I hope there would be another adventure like this in the future.

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